
I am a front end software developer. I love coding in ember.js, react.js, node, javascript, ruby, rails, and the usual HTML/CSS.

When I'm not coding, I enjoy collecting vinyl records (jazz, funk & soul), drinking craft coffee & wine, cooking, biking, hiking, playing ping pong & basketball, and spending time with my family. I am a proud father of 2 boys

Favorite Quotes

Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It's quite simply, really. Double your rate of failure.

- Thomas J Watson, founder of IBM

What's the ONE Thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?

- Gary Keller, author of The One Thing

Focus on the process (the way you spend your time) instead of the product (what you want to accomplish).
What we fear doing most is usually why we most need to do.
Me and my family