A Simple Time Series Area Chart with ember-highcharts

January 2, 2020(2 minute read)

I recently had a project where I had to render a simple time series chart. After some research on emberobserver.com, I had decided to go with ember-highcharts. I've used the javascript library in the past, but this was my first time using the ember addon. Since there isn't too much documentation, I had to play around with some of the examples here. Eventually I had a simple time series chart. The following is a quick tutorial way to get one rendering.

Install ember-highcharts

ember install ember-highcharts

Create a component that extends Highcharts

In this example, we'll call the component FitnessChart.

ember g component fitness-chart

In the component, extend the Highcharts component from ember-highcharts

import Highcharts from 'ember-highcharts/components/high-charts';

export default class FitnessChart extends Highcharts {

Set up chartOptions

You can see more information in the highcharts documentation, but here's a quick bit of code to get up and running

import Highcharts from 'ember-highcharts/components/high-charts';

export default class FitnessChart extends Highcharts {
  chartOptions = {
    chart: {
      type: 'area'
    title: {
      text: 'Fitness Chart'
    xAxis: {
      type: 'datetime'
    yAxis: {
      title: {
        text: 'Miles Ran'

  content = []


At the time of writing this, the Highcharts component is still using @ember/component as its base class. I'm using the newer syntax that I normally use for Glimmer components and got confused why things like this.args weren't available. To get a chart rendering though, we can just use static values.

Passing in data

Now we can render our component like this

<FitnessChart @content={{this.chartData}} />

where chartData is something like this

import Component from '@glimmer/component';

export default class ParentComponent extends Component {
  chartData = [{
    name: 'Miles ran',
    data: [[1519891200000,2],[1520409600000,2],[1520838000000,2.5],[1521097200000,3],[1521529200000,3.7],[1522047600000,4]]

The data is in the format

  [timestamp, milesRan],
  [timestamp2, milesRan2]

where timestamp is a unix timestamp in milliseconds

The resulting chart should look something like this

fitness chart

Hopefully you can quicky get a chart rendered and alter it to your requirements without having to start from scratch and play around with the highcharts documentation/examples.